While many pests do not thrive in Dubai due to its climate, serious pest infestation problems still exist, particularly in older homes.
Our usual reaction to pests in the home (after yelling multiple times) is to observe and understand how bad the infestation is. Most of us try to contain the problem with home remedies at first, but once it becomes clear that the little troublemakers won’t go away so easily, we decided to call in the professionals.
Calling in the professionals also carries its own risks. Before doing so, there are a few things we need to understand about the very nature of pest control and also about the approach taken here in the UAE. 1. Good Pest Control Companies Are Certified – The UAE has strict rules governing pest control. But that doesn’t stop night operators from offering very low costs and winning business with unsuspecting customers. Each municipality of the Emirate has to approve the company in its Emirate. For example, a pest control company in Dubai must have a permit from the Dubai Municipality. This will mean that your workers are licensed and that the company is using approved pesticides. The final call on which pesticides can be used in the UAE falls to the country’s Ministry of Environment and Water.
2. You must inform the company if there are babies, pregnant women or pets in the home: Generally, pesticides are applied in amounts small enough to be safe for humans and pets. However, they do have odors that pregnant or young noses can be sensitive to, so be careful. Ask your pest control company if they use phosphates, as these are considered harmful to the fetus and the mother. If you can put off pest control treatments, do so, but if you can’t reschedule, make punaises de lit sure the company uses less toxic products and tries to keep pets, children, and pregnant women away.
3. There are approved drugs: many pesticides are banned in the UAE. Allowed pesticides are constantly reviewed as technology changes. In the past, there have been cases of pesticide poisoning due to the unregulated use of pesticides by unauthorized companies, forcing the authorities to take a position.
4. Different pests need different treatments: When you call a pest control company, they usually ask what type of infestation you have. According to this report, bed bugs are very common in Dubai, as are cockroaches and even termites. Other pests include ants, silverfish, and mice. Treatments for different pests vary. Roaches and ants can be eliminated at once, but you will need a different approach for rats, termites, bed bugs, and outdoor pests. Be sure to ask the company representative about their treatment methods for any infestations you have.
5. Dead pests can appear a few days after a treatment: Although the treatment itself will last a couple of hours at most, don’t be alarmed if you see a belly-up cockroach or dead rats around the house for a few days. The number will decrease and you should not see any more dead pests by the end of the first week. This is just a sign that the pesticide is doing its job. However, check with the company how long you can reasonably expect it to continue.
6. Integrated pest management is the way to go: Integrated pest management is the method by which pests are controlled by more than just extermination. While it is most common in agricultural settings, it has also gained popularity in homes and gardens. The IPM first identifies what levels of pests are acceptable, how harmful they are, what methods can be used to contain pests, and what are the least toxic methods of elimination. It emphasizes understanding the behavior of pests and reducing environmental damage.